
I'll Be Damned (videopremiere)

av yngve

Danske stonerhardrockere med video.

'Primal Fear' er tittelen på bandets kommende skive, under her smaker du på tittelkuttet. Takk til Fernando og Mighty Music for tips!

"I'll Be Damned, the Danish band known for its fierce stage presence and who does an irresistible mixture between hard rock and doom/stoner, not unlike Black Sabbath and Down.

Primal Fear shows the  Danish band firing on all cylinders. In the end, only rock'roll stands. I'll Be Damned plays God Damned Rock’n’Roll exclusively, explosively – and with a metal  edge."

I'll Be Damned@Facebook

Bilde, fotograf: Ukjent

Ill Be Damned 20