
Vreid, lei/kjøp digital film

av yngve

Bandet er online med løsning for dere som vil sjekke ut filmen.

Sjekk innom Vimeo HER .

Season Of Mist: "Wild North West is a concept album that developed alongside an entire movie. Taking their art to a new level, Vreid wrote, filmed and recorded this historical fiction narrative with videographer Håvard Nesbø. Wild North West takes you on a journey deep into the mountains, to a dark place where the borders between reality and fantasy fade and where death is only one step behind you."

Du får også tilgang til bonusmaterialet: 

  • A 6 min biographical intro narrated by author Dayal Patterson (Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult)
  • The full concert In the Mountains of Sognametal filmed live at the mountains of Sogndal June 2020. Exclusively available here.
  • 2 previously unreleased live videos of Ulcus Molle ( VREID's predecessor) from Gaupne in Norway 1996. For the the songs Train of Thought ( Yggdrasil demo) and Mindgames (Roles EP)


Vreid 21