
Cage, amerikanere med nytt album

av yngve

Cage kjenner nok en del til, skive foreligger 30. oktober.

Det er Sweden Music Group som slipper 'Ancient Evil', amerikanernes syvende album siden debuten i 99. Og da jeg egentlig hadde avskrevet denne gjengen som litt baktung, er det gledelig å sjekke klippet under, det er mer fart i disse nå, ikke sant?

"Cage formed in 1992 after the demise of local San Diego heavy metal stalwarts Crusher and Nomad. From the ashes of those two bands would arise a metal machine that would evolve into one of Earth’s mightiest groups, whose exploits have become legend in the underground. Sometimes known as The American Power Metal Kings, Cage has earned that moniker over two decades by gaining a reputation as an unmatched live act and by releasing one award winning album after the next. As we head into a new era for the band with what may be their most fearsome lineup yet, they prepare to release their 7th, most ambitious album yet, a horror-concept cd called Ancient Evil."


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